The secret of success is a bedrock of strong foundations - without it firms will fail

Without foundations, there can be no fashion. 


Christian Dior




Communications infrastructure may not be the most exciting topic, it may not be dinner party discussion, well for me it might be, but not everyone.  

However, I have seen countless times, organisations struggle and potentially fail because the foundations are not strong and systems not clearly understood by those using them.  Without a strong communication infrastructure in place, without these foundations, ‘there can be no fashion’.  This is both relevant in both the Government and the corporate world. 

Often overlooked, but too often the case, communication departments struggle to be as effective as they could be all because the infrastructure is not well designed and/or has not evolved over time. 

From my time in the UK Government, I oversaw the UK Grid for six years – the strategic communications tool that both scheduled all of the government business as well as an acting as an early radar risk identification for external business that may warrant a response by Government.  This system first introduced in 1997 and still running to this present day, it functioned in part to having the right infrastructure in place.  This infrastructure spread out across 25 Ministries and over 350 executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies. I could only lead this process due to having the right infrastructure in place, streamlined systems in place and a clear understanding by all they key internal stakeholders. It delivered communications discipline around the handling and timing of government business, message discipline, drove priority to the on narrative business, and ultimately presented competent government that was driving momentum and towards a clear sense of purpose.  

From this experience, therefore I have both witnessed the value and and felt the benefits of having the right and strong infrastructure in place. I am therefore an advocate for it – a communications infrastructure engineer if you like.  For organisations to be highly effective, they will have in place the right infrastructure to support the core business, and therefore the same infrastructure approach but tailored to communications should be there too.

The Communications Infrastructure Opportunity

At Manara Global, we believe in the value of building strategic communications that are built on the firm bedrock of strong foundations. This is why our work with Governments and businesses often includes an assessment of their capabilities and ways to strengthen the foundations to ensure communications impact is both maximized and operationally effective for the long term.

We ensure the ‘fashion’ can happen, strong foundations supporting strategic programmes that truly resonate and make the difference for the long term. 

[Copy of the article was featured in PR Week on 8 April 2019]